понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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A pessoa que ficou estudando na frente do pc pra baixar v�deos... Triste... =P

-DBSK - BIGLOBE - SHINE comment (subbed) [09.27.2007]
-SuJu - Kiss The Radio - With DBSK apos;Oapos; interview (subbed) [10.16.2006]
-DBSK - KMTV Mission Impossible - Xiah (subbed) [07.21.2004]
-DBSK - Channel-a - Concert Shocks (subbed) [01.24.2008]
-DBSK - Music Wave - Xiah Junsu Zhang Li Yin (subbed) [09.22.2006]
-DBSK - TV Tokyo Scene - Ts Salon interview (subbed) [01.10.2008]

-DBSK - We are curious about TVXQ - JaeJoong part 1 (subbed) [02.01.2006]
-DBSK - We are curious about TVXQ - JaeJoong part 2 (subbed) [02.02.2006]
-DBSK - We are curious about TVXQ - JaeJoong part 3 (subbed) [02.03.2006]

Desejem-me sorte amanh�br />

Oyasuminasai ^^v

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Well then Iapos;m humbly asking for your time and your lense to take some photos for me. Iapos;m in the mist of building my day of the dead based website, and have some examples of the little creatures Iapos;ve made that Iapos;d like represented. I"m broke, and so far all the web site work is donated time. Of course you will receive photo credit on the site, and i can link to your site if you wish. Or we can figure out something Iapos;m sure.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I still havenapos;t figured out what Iapos;m doing for Halloween - either costume-wise or events-wise. Iapos;m totally lacking inspiration for a costume this year. I was thinking Iapos;d like to go as something classic cartoon-related, except for me classic cartoons are the 80apos;s; and not many characters from the 80apos;s are that iconic to people who didnapos;t grow up then. I was humouring the idea of some of my favourite childhood characters, like Penny from Inspector Gadget, or Gadget from Chip napos; Dale Rescue Rangers, but I donapos;t think anybody would really recognize those. When I was 5, I had the most amazing Rainbow Brite costume ever. My mom made it from a pattern, and it was all stuffed with polyester fill to make all the poofy parts actually stick out properly, and came with this awesome yellow yarn wig. I would totally wear that costume again, if I could.

Alternatively, it could be fun to go as something actually, you know, scary. But I canapos;t think of any scary things Iapos;d want to go as either. Iapos;ve always found a lot of traditionally scary things to be kind of boring, honestly.

Meanwhile, though, I have decided what I should do for my birthday this year. Normally I donapos;t bother doing much, but my birthday is on a Friday this year, which is pretty much reason in and of itself to actually make something of it. I was talking to Teya and Samit about it, when they suggested...KARAOKE So yeah, we are totally getting a karaoke room for my birthday. If you read this LJ, youapos;re invited. You donapos;t even have to sing. (But if youapos;re really my friend, youapos;ll sing.*)

*Iapos;m kidding, of course. But, you know, if you could just try one song...

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So, Irsquo;ve decided Irsquo;m gonna try and Blog.

Taal said she might want to, and I definitely want to. I know it might be lame, and what I write in my own journal might not go in here, but I will try to make this interesting.

Anyway, for my first post, I donrsquo;t know that Irsquo;ve got all that much of interest to say, but I hope Irsquo;ll be able to post here on a regular to semi-regular basis.

Wherersquo;s my journal, maybe therersquo;s something I could post here...�

Hang on...

Nahh...� Not adding in here from there...� That was writtne, and vented already.

Might add later a ldquo;poemrdquo; I was working on the other day, wersquo;ll see...

OK then.

For now, Irsquo;m calling it quits.

Good night all, and hope I enjoy this, and if you read it, you enjoy it too.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s hard to learn that things donapos;t always go according to plan. Take.. Well just about everything from yesterday, for example. I couldnapos;t finish the freaking algebra II test because Ching kept sniffling and making sick noises next to me and I was about to throw up. I seriously get SO irritated when people continuously do that. Sorry if your sick, but be sick somewhere else. Now I have to finish it on Monday. There was a wide variety of other things that went wrong, but more importantly was my inability to handle awkward situations. One day Iapos;ll figure out how to deal. But despite all that, everything is great. Iapos;ve been really happy lately and I hope it keeps up for a while.
Last night Kayla and I made the mistake of going to the Warwick Mall for the first time in forever. Basically just to go to Target. Why was this a mistake, you ask? UM WELL LETS SEE. Because it was FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE WARWICK MALL. For those of you who arenapos;t catching on yet, let me explain. Itapos;s the night when all of the Narnias go out and completely take us space. Theyapos;re rude, obnoxious, irritating and almost all of them I recognize from their ridiculous myspace names. Seriously gang, going to the freaking mall just to be annoying to people who actually need to get stuff done, and meet up with all of your blue haired friends is a little 8th grade now. I mean, I wouldnapos;t mind the kids half as much if they werenapos;t rude to the people who are ACTUALLY THERE TO SHOP and if they didnapos;t walk around in groups MAYBE the size of Manhattan. But they do. So MOST of the Warwick Mall rats are not OK with me. However, there are a select few of the ones that are courteous, out of the way and friendly, so theyapos;re an exception.
Well anyway. I bought a purple sweater dress from Target and Kayla got a different one and a belt from Wet Seal that looked fab. Iapos;m going back later this week to buy shiny leggings so I can look like D3Mii L0V@t0 napos; shit. Just kidding. I actually just really want them. SO GOOFY. LOL @ Narnias attempting to steal stuff from Claireapos;s and getting caught. It was a pretty hilarious night.
Oh I completely forgot to mention I got a haircut. I have choppy full on bangs now and itapos;s shorter. I like it now, but I was skeptical yesterday.
This morning was PSATS. Basically pretty easy but I skipped a few math ones as usual. Glad Cranston East has heat. Just kidding, because it doesnapos;t and I was cold. So now Iapos;m spending the day watching Hayley and hopefully going to see Sideshow tonight then go to Confreda with the gang.

PS. Sara posted the RIZDEEE pics. Check apos;em out Iapos;m a big fan of Sapos;MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY :D

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darkside gangster

My CDs came in yesterday. :) and i got the self-titled alkaline trio on vinyl. Fabulous. And i re-bought the invader zim DVDs (apparently theyapos;re out of print now and i got the last copy hot topic (cringe) had).

i think i have a sinus infection. Like, my sister always smells the same thing all the time when she has one (cat litter)�and i have been smelling dirty feet for three days. And i smell it everywhere, so itapos;s not like, the bedroom or the car or something. EVERYTHING�fucking smells like that pile of dirty socks that garett used to have stashed next to his bed. Itapos;s fucking gross. Itapos;s giving me high school flashbacks, probably because i spent most of my time in high school (the later part of it anyway) in garettapos;s bedroom. Ugh.

anyway. CDs that i got yesterday:
Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends
Brand New - Your Favorite Weapon
New Radicals - Maybe Youapos;ve Been Brainwashed, Too
Alkaline Trio - From Here to Infirmary
Alkaline Trio - Alkaline Trio

Iapos;m really excited about the New Radicals one. YAY Iapos;m having myself an emo day today. Iapos;m still on the hunt for that Boxcar Racer CD. The only one the website i ordered from had was edited. They had the UK special release, but it was like $25. Best Buy doesnapos;t have it either.

but i have noticed something that adrienne mentioned a long time ago that i had forgotten about. If you listen to TBS�and Brand New back to back, something like 50 of the lyrics are word-for-word identical. Crazy emo kids.

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After reading all the previews that Bethesda had links to on the official website, Iapos;m feeling a little better about Fallout 3.� Mostly, there are two big changes from Oblivion that will help.� One, not everyone is a bandit who tries to kill you on sight.� And two, enemies donapos;t autoscale their level to match yours.

Of course, I wonapos;t be able to buy the game as soon as it comes out, already spent my discretionary for October on the motherboard I�needed.� However, most of the reviews should be out about the same time I get my paycheck in November, so Iapos;ll have a chance to read those instead of just Bethesda approved previews before I�make the plunge.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Hey guys,�Iapos;m planning on having a shopping day tomorrow (I need to find a hobby) and aside from all the major shopping districts, I was wondering if you guys know any boutiques/good op shops/etc that are worth visiting? Like along the lines of those stores alone Lonsdale Street (although Iapos;m always scared of going into those shops both because theyapos;re expensive and because theyapos;re so quiet it makes me feel like Iapos;m being watched).

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Thatapos;s right.� No energy work and no feeding whatsoever for at least a month.� I got this suggestion from someone I admire and who has my full respect.� She suggested to me that in order to gauge my energy needs, I�should refrain from any sort of energy work and especially feeding.� She also suggested getting a notebook so that I�could record everything I�go through during this period of time.

I bought one last night - which was only a few hours ago, yay insomnia - and already wrote an entry in it about my first day of no energy work or feeding whatsoever.

Let me tell you, even though it was the first day, it sucked.� I guess you donapos;t realize how much energy work you do on a regular everyday basis until you try to abstain from doing it.� Hell, I�had to keep myself away from the moon. =[� I normally stare at her beauty and get energized by her.. But I�had to keep myself from even looking at her for fear of feeding.� I�had to even shield my hands when I�pet my cat because I usually send loving energy through my hands to her, and in return I�can feel the love she is giving me even stronger.� Itapos;s a beautiful exchange. �Or, it was..�


Itapos;s only the first day and Iapos;m crabby.� Donapos;t get me wrong, I�know itapos;s for a good cause.� I just already feel so disconnected from everyone and everything. � Itapos;s rather saddening.� I�mean hell, I�canapos;t even hold the trees and converse with them on campus or at the bus stop. =[

Oy ve.� This is going to be a fun month.

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